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Customer Case

  • Bamboo charcoal fiber board
  • Bamboo charcoal fiber board
Bamboo charcoal fiber boardBamboo charcoal fiber board
Bamboo carbon fiber board: bamboo carbon fiber board is a kind of fiber board, which is made of bamboo powder, wood powder, calcium powder, PVC resin powder and other raw materials, and is covered with film on the surface. It is also called bamboo carbon fiber wallboard, dado, etc. The material is environmentally friendly
Fiberboard is mainly divided into non compression type and compression type. The non compression type refers to soft fibreboard. The density of soft fibreboard is generally within 0.4 g/cm3. The compression type fibreboard is divided into medium density fibreboard and hard fibreboard. Medium density fibreboard is also semi hard fibreboard. Its density is generally 0.4-0.8 g/cm3, and the density of hard fibreboard will exceed 0.8 g/cm3.
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Contact: MR Xu

Phone: 15666835566

Tel: 15666835566

Email: 329539558@qq.com

Add: Yitang Town, Linyi City, Shandong Province

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